West Union is home to four city parks: Lions Park, Rotary Park, Clark Park and Sunset Park.
- Lions Park is located just off Highway 18.
- Rotary Park is located across from the North Fayette High School off of North Pine Street.
- Clark Park is located off of South Pine Street.
- Sunset Park is on Auburn Street which runs adjacent to Highway 150 North.
Park & Rec
Director: Trey Kuhens
Phone: 563-422-3685
Email: wuparkandrec@gmail.com
West Union's strong Park and Recreation Program provides activities for all skill and age groups. Organized youth activities include flag football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, open gym time, t-ball, baseball, softball, swim meets, swimming lessons, scuba classes, sewing classes, computer classes, bowling and ice skating. Adults can take advantage of "Lighten Up Iowa", lap swim, water aerobics, co-ed volleyball, co-ed horseshoes and senior citizen cards. Our Park and Recreation Department also hosts several other events:
- West Union Triathlon
- "Swim and a Movie"
- Pool Carnival
- Pool Parties
- Snow Sculpture Contest
- Pitch, Hit & Run Contest
- Punt, Pass & Kick Contest
- Hershey Track Meet
- Art-in-the-Park
To reserve the shelter house at any of these parks, or for additional information, please contact Trey Kuhens with West Union Park & Rec.