Minutes – May 11th, 2021


May 11, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.


Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Tiffany Johansen (left early), Garrett Crandall (left early), Chris DeBack (phone), Tracy Johnson (left early), Rick Trumm, Mallory Hanson

Absent: Kennon Gumm

Guests: Derek Heins


  1. Organization/Operations (Recurring)
    1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
    2. Jamie motioned to approve the agenda; Tiffany seconded it; approved by all.
    3. Tiffany motioned to approve April 2021 meeting minutes; Rick seconded it; approved by all.
    4. Tiffany shared April financials. Discussion was had. Property taxes were paid; otherwise, normal finances. We need to pay approximately $4000 to the city. Right now, we have $2882 in checking; $6700 in money market (Kerndt Brothers); Upper Story $50,000. Jason moved to transfer funds from the Upper Story account; Rick seconded it; all approved. NFV PTO had a reading challenge and asked if the Chamber would be willing to donate $175 to go half on the prizes as a sponsor. Jamie motioned to donate $100; Tiffany seconded it; all approved. Garrett motioned to give $50 each to the fair board and Beulaland for use of their land during the SXS; Jason seconded it; all approved. Jamie motioned to approve April financials as presented; Rick seconded it; all approved.
  2. Board Topics (Recurring)
    1. Main Street Visit on Tuesday, 5/18

8:00 – 9:30 Meet with Committee / Project Chairs and committee members (one person from each committee- Jamie, Mallory, Jason will be there).

9:45 – 10:30 Meet with Board President and Vice President (Tiffany & Jason)

11:00 – 11:45 Meet with Mayor and/or City Administrator and elected officials (Tracy)

12:00 – 1:15 Lunch with Executive Director (lunch brought in, no dining in restaurants) (Jamie, Tiffany, Tracy).

1:30 – 3:00 Main Street District Tour – guided walking tour (Jamie, Mallory, & Jon)

3:30 – 4:00 Follow-up with Executive Director to clarify what has been heard (Jamie)

4:00 – 5:00 Preparation for the Board Meeting (no one needed)

5:00 – 6:30 Wrap up meeting with the Board of Directors (Jamie, Jason, Tiffany, Garret, Rick & Chris (?), Tracy, finishes at 6 p.m. now)

  1. MSI ShopIowa webinar, 5/19, 1:00pm – Jamie will do. Tiffany or Jason will send info.
  2. MSI Iowa Retail and Restaurant Trends webinar, 5/12, 1:00pm. Can someone do this? Get link from Tiffany or Jason.
  1. Membership/Investment Drive (Recurring)
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations-
      1. Letter- Jason will send.
      2. Follow-Up- need letter
    2. Director Report (Recurring)
      1. Director Search Update- no applications. Tracy has been gone, so she will check when she gets back into the office. We are having trouble getting applications. Need to do another social media push.
    3. Main Street (Recurring)
      1. Accreditation- nothing.
      2. Action- nothing.
      3. Reporting- Jason doing. Reminder to send volunteer hours to Jason.


  1. Committee Reports- need to determine budgets for various events. SEND VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR THE PREVIOUS MONTH.
    1. Promotions (Chris DeBack)- Meeting last night creating schedule for June 5 and will start promoting. Board needs to cover the beer garden; we already have a schedule started. The next meeting is May 25 @ 6 p.m. to finalize the June 5th Playing on the Plaza is ready to go. Chris will share the flyer.
    2. Design & Business (Jamie Hoey)- meeting this month.
    3. Economic Vitality (Jason Knox)- Chamber after 5 next Monday @ Neighborhood Home. Send flyer to Tracy for Facebook and email blast. Members will put together a grill. We will do burger & brats and Tiffany will grab the food. There is a $100 budget. Going forward, the Chamber can assist with grilling, but won’t supply the food as the business should be doing this. Jason, Garrett, Tiffany, & Jamie will be there to assist. Playing on the Plaza half sheet could be given out. The committee met last Friday regarding housing promotions with the possibility of having an event to show options available.
    4. Organization (Garrett Crandall/Rick Trumm)- need to do thank yous for SXS from his list, and Garrett will send an after-action report to the Board. Derek Heins presented on the golf tournament. Would like to have a tournament in West Union and Clermont. How to do it in West Union with no club house? Clermont- August 7, Derek will check into Clermont. West Union- July 10, Jason will check with the city. Jamie and Rick will help with marketing aspect.
    5. Ad-Hoc Sparks (Tiffany, Chris, Tracy, Mallory)- Jamie going to step back from this one as she can’t ever make the meetings. No update but they are waiting for an update from Spark. They developed a nice brochure that could be used a nice handout piece.
    6. Ad-Hoc DLO (Rick, Kennon)- none. Main Street would have funding for a pop-up shop if we wanted to go that way. The city would like to have the garage behind the building to ensure ADA compliancy. Rick will talk with Jay Villont about purchasing the garage.
    7. Management (Tiffany, Tracy)- none
    8. Fayette County Economic Development – none
    9. City- the new Geo report is worse. The LLC board should have had a meeting and notified us, but they haven’t. Steve Fate, Jon Biederman, Derek Heins are part of the LLC. If things are not getting done, why are we paying the contractors. Would it be easier to leave geo and do a furnace? Jason will reach out to Steve Fate or another board member. The city is working with library contractors on issues.
  2. For good of order- nothing.


Next meeting: May 25 @ 7 a.m. at the Chamber

Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.