Minutes – March 17th, 2020


March 17, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.

Present: Jason Knox (by phone), Tiffany Johansen (by phone), Kristie Austin, Chris DeBack (by phone) Rick Trumm, Garrett Crandall, Nick McIntyre

Absent: Kennon Gumm, Adam Keller, Jamie Hoey



  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:18 a.m. by Vice-President Tiffany Johansen.
  2. March agenda was motioned to approve by Chris; seconded by Rick; approved by all.
  3. February meeting minutes were reviewed and motion to approve by Chris; seconded by Rick; approved by all.
  4. February finances were reviewed. After discussion Chris commented financials looked good with customary expenses. Motion to approve finances made by Rick seconded by Chris; approved by all.
  5. Discussion on request from Bank 1st to be sponsor for their workshop on preventing elder financial abuse. Comments included recognizing the support Bank 1st gives the chamber and the board feels we should do the same. Chris made the motion to support the elder financial abuse prevention class with a $50 donation.  Rick Second; approved by all
  6. Director’s Report: reviewed Kristi’s report. She shared documents for membership going out- she continues to meet with many businesses, building relationships. Unofficial report fiber to West Union will be in2021. The new website up and running! Update on Accreditation progress on track with activities. Garrett attended February City Council meeting. Discussed approval from Board to complete ACH process with Kerndt Brothers Bank. (This was overlooked on voting will send via email for board to vote on).
  7. What do you know? WU second block will get pavers replaced later in March. Project should take 2 weeks. March event at West Union event center postponed due to COVID-19.
  8. Membership/Investment Drive: Kristi sent out updated list.
  9. HR 101 class had 8 attending
  10. By-Law Committee- Pat Ritter will complete review of bylaws in March.
  11. Main Street Board training will be Tuesday, April 28 at 6 p.m. This is postponed due to COVID-19.
  12. Committee Reports- Board members can attend any of the committees! Bring friends!
    1. Promotions
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Committee is continuing to move forward with plans for the 4th of July and Playing on Plaza. New ideas for 4th- band, cookoff, bball, vball, etc.
    2. Design & Business Improvement
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Met and went over project on fire hydrants. Also moving forward with working with the city to get ordinance or at minimum a set of standards for design for downtown.
    3. Community Development
    4. 2020 Work Plans- Organization
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Rick and Garrett to co-chair. Rick will work with Derek on Golf tournament.

Move to adjourn Chris second by Jason; approved by all

Next meeting – April 14, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.

Submitted by Kristie Austin filling in for Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.