June 9, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.
Present: Jason Knox, Chris DeBack, Jamie Hoey, Garrett Crandall, Nick McIntyre
Absent: Kennon Gumm, Rick Trumm, Tiffany Johansen, Adam Keller
Guests: Jayde Blue (intern)
- Meeting was called to order at 7:00 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
- Jason added “Lot Mowing” to the agenda. Chris motioned to move “City Payment Arrangements” to the bottom of the agenda. June’s adopted agenda was motioned to approve by Jamie; seconded by Chris; approved by all.
- May’s meeting minutes were reviewed and motioned to approve by Chris; seconded by Garrett; approved by all.
- April & May finances were discussed. We have not received them from Tiffany and need to get them as March wasn’t a clear month either so we are unsure about finances since Kristi left. Chris knows there is over $6000 in checking, but we don’t have details. Jason talked about monthly bank drafts. However, we believe we already do this. Jamie will check with Kristi.
- Director Report: we welcomed Jayde Blue, the new director starting June 23 after council approval on the 22nd. Jayde is our current intern and is doing an excellent job. She will be training with Kristi this week and working on Main Street trainings. Jamie will be creating an onboarding schedule.
- Utilize Database for Director: Jason brought up a database for the Chamber. The Redtail application offers user benefits with calendar, document storing, email, etc. Chris motioned to setup the program and utilize the program; Jamie seconded it; all approved. Jason will work on setting up the system and users prior to Jayde starting. Training will be worked into on-boarding
- Mowing- we need to mow the industrial lot. Nick will check with Bob to see if he arranged hay mowing with Steinlage. If not, Rory will mow.
- What do you know? City purchased the WU golf course. Using the purchase of it for grant funding for a trail connection to trails with a nice paved trail; however, the city can’t start work prior to receiving grant. This purchase was all about economic development. This year, still a golf course. But, going forward there are unlimited possibilities! RV park? Rec center? Keep as a golf course? The city is doing 3 streets next year- Jefferson, North Vine section, Elm section. Pavers currently being worked on and all pavers will eventually be replaced. Donlon Construction from Elgin has moved its business to West Union. Chrystal Distribution food processing company still moving forward with fresh produce and will need to hire people. Fireworks is open and selling retail fireworks. Mexican restaurant closed; but, another business is currently looking. Pleggenkuhls looks great! Park & Rec starting next week. Swimming pool opening for lessons, laps, and modified swim team. Expecting to open if Governor allows. Fair going forward with modifications once they hear about Iowa State Fair. Napa will be doing show & shine starting this month.
- Website Update: as part of her internship, Jayde has been working on the website. Once hired, Jayde will be updating city website as well. Recommendations of adding a news page and feed from Facebook/Instagram. Chris and Jamie approved $45 for Paypal to allow for registration and payment. We will need to set up a committee to review the website to help Jayde get it updated.
- Membership/Investment Drive- will check with Kristi on COVID-19 funding. Jayde is watching for Main Street emails.
- By-Law Committee- Jason set up meeting.
- Committee Reports-
- Promotions
- 2020 Work Plans- focusing on 4th of July and Playing on Plaza. Playing on the Plaza will continue with the Chamber doing the food. Jayde will be working on the marketing with Jamie assisting with social distancing guidelines. 4th will be held at a smaller capacity, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.- car cruise, band, scavenger hunt, community walk, crowing of Miss West Union, picnic, and fireworks. We are working on a single food vendor. We have enough in Fireworks account to pay for fireworks. Maybe create a new bin for fireworks pop can drive as the community believes the one is Park & Rec is for fireworks. Board members please come to 4th & Playing on Plaza!
- Design & Business
- 2020 Work Plans- nothing
- Community Development
- 2020 Work Plans- meeting Friday.
- Organization
- 2020 Work Plans- things going well for the golf tournament after meeting with Derek. He has things totally under control for June 20 @ 9 a.m.! The committee will be contacting sponsors as there is only one diamond level sponsor with perks. They are reaching out for food donations and will be contacting US Cell to see if they want to do a table again. Typically, $3000 profit. When the city owns golf course in August, maybe host a tournament. Chamber does another fall fundraiser- maybe it is a golf fundraiser. Another idea is Bingo at Tapt’ Out.
- Payment to City: Kristi would have gotten 2% raise through the city. Chris would like to see the Chamber pick up the raise and pay difference for Jayde. This will show good faith to the city and our commitment to the Director. Chamber Invoice will go up $331. We pay approximately $14,000 now, so it would increase to approximately $16,000. Chris moves to pick up the wage difference; Jamie seconded; all approved.
- For good of order: Open 4 business is underway for Memorial by Rachel- she is a finalist and receving money. Her next step is the video. Kristi is coming in tonight to train Jayde- Jamie and Chris will be there as well.
- Motion to adjourn by Jamie; seconded by Chris; adjourned at 8:06 a.m.
- Promotions
Next meeting – July 14, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.
Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary
Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.
Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.