Minutes – June 22nd, 2021


June 22, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.


Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Tiffany Johansen, Garrett Crandall (phone), Chris DeBack, Tracy Johnson, Kennon Gumm, Matt Marsala

Absent: Rick Trumm



  1. Organization/Operations (Recurring)
    1. The meeting was called to order at 7 a.m. by Jason Knox.
    2. Jamie motioned to approve the agenda; Chris seconded it; approved by all.
    3. Chris motioned to approve June’s minutes; Kennon seconded it; approved by all.
    4. Financials- discussion was had May 2021. We still have money in fireworks account; we will leave at this point. If we have any remaining SummerFest expenses, we could use this for it. Chris motioned to approve the financials; Jamie seconded it; all approved.
  2. Board Topics (Recurring)
    1. Organization Name & Tax ID Number- Matt questioned having multiple names under different tax ID numbers. We need to pick a name for our official licenses and the way in which we do business. City Hall had one; IRS verified it was the last time we filed under Main Street West Union Inc. West Union Area Chamber of Commerce pops up. There was another Economic Development tax ID as well. Tiffany has used the Secretary of State number using West Union Chamber of Commerce. This one is tied to something that is current so we will need to dissolve the other ones. Matt checked with Pat and he can take care of it. Continue to use the West Union Chamber of Commerce number but change the name to West Union Main Street Chamber & Economic Development. Do we need to include Economic Development? Motion by Chris to table the decision until after do some research name via meeting minutes to ensure we have the correct name; Tiffany seconded it; approved by all. Jamie will look at old meeting minutes.
    2. Detailed Financial Report & Fiscal Year- Tracy is concerned about money going in and out. She wants to ensure there are budgets and finances being discussed. Each committee must be given a budget. Upper Housing is the bus barn sale and the money is still in there, but we need to ensure we have money coming in- we really need to focus on membership.
    3. Meeting Schedule- stay every 2 weeks for a few months.
    4. Golf Tournament- Clermont available on 7/17; Garrett not around that weekend (and Jamie is out of state), so Rick will need to oversee it in addition to the Board assisting. In the past, Derek has taken care of the golf tournament and will get teams setup. Need to get food, teams, etc. Chris motioned to proceed; Tiffany seconded it; approved by all. Jason will contact Derek.
    5. Apartment Rental- due to concerns with applicant- Jason move to decline the rental application; Chris seconded it; approved by all. Chris will contact the applicant. Discussion regarding rental cost. Tiffany motioned to increase the rent to $500 and change the rental agreement with the new amount; Chris seconded it; approved by all. There is a Facebook landlord page that Tracy can check people through it. Matt will check on the apartment and take some pictures. Once pictures and writeup is done, we will reach out to our larger employers- UIU, school, hospital. Then, use Facebook if needed.
    6. West Union Brochure- Jason will send for approval before printing.
    7. Event Form- starting today, we will do this for all events to show action plans and finances. The next event will be Playing on the Plaza and Golf Tournament. Tiffany will send out a new form.
    8. Chamber & City Agreement- reviewed the agreement that was 2018, 2019 and a new one. It doesn’t appear that the 2019 one was signed. The city has one from 2020 that was signed but there wasn’t compensation attached; however, the Chamber doesn’t’ have this one. Concerns about not having a signed agreement. We will need to review the contract, review compensation, and director oversight from city/board to sign again. Chamber will have oversight of day-to-day but HR will be the city as they are the direct employer. Previous agreements, $14,000 plus overtime from Chamber with $32,000 salary. We currently pay $14,560 to the city ($3,640 per quarter). Chamber absorbs the extra $4,000 per last director salary – the dollar amount stays the same for the city but the city absorbs the additional benefits. $4,640, total of $18,560 per year, is the new amount from the Chamber to the city. The new agreement will be provided to the city council and signed the same night.
    9. Director Orientation/Training- Matt is working with Main Street all day tomorrow from home.
    10. Director Schedule/Business Visits- business cards have been ordered. Once they are here, Jamie and Matt will schedule time to go around for introductions and take flyers that Matt will have (Playing on Plaza and Golf Tournament).
    11. Resolution for Bank/Signatory Authorization- Jamie motioned to add Matt Marsala as an approved signer for West Union Main Street Chamber; Chris seconded; all approved.
    12. Volunteer Thank You- many communities have an event to thank volunteers. Have a meal; gift; etc. Jason motioned for November 6 with details later; Tiffany seconded it; approved by all.
    13. Board Retreat- table
    14. 50/50 Opportunity- Tiffany and Matt will assist with selling 50/50 tickets during Knox Financial event on Saturday, 9-11 a.m. Tiffany motioned; Chris seconded; all approved with abstain by Jason.
  3. Membership/Investment Drive (Recurring)
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations- this needs to be mailed out. Matt will do the follow-up.
  4. Director Report (Recurring)
    1. Receipts- business cards, phone case, office supplies
    2. Updates- Matt is receiving printer quotes and will send to Jason.
  5. Main Street (Recurring)
    1. Accreditation- none
    2. Action- none
    3. Reporting- Jason doing. Reminder to send volunteer hours to Jason.
  6. Committee Reports- need to determine budgets for various events. SEND VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR THE PREVIOUS MONTH. Each event MUST have a project action sheet, complete with clean-up strategy & finance sheet.
    1. Promotions (Chris DeBack)- Playing on the Plaza is the next event and we will be selling beer/food. We are waiting on a payment for beer pong from Summerfest.
    2. Design & Business (Jamie Hoey)- none as Jamie left early
    3. Economic Vitality (Jason Knox)- nothing
    4. Organization (Garrett Crandall/Rick Trumm)- nothing
    5. Ad-Hoc DLO (Rick, Kennon)- nothing
    6. Management (Tiffany, Tracy)- nothing
    7. Fayette County Economic Development – nothing
    8. City- nothing
  7. For good of order- nothing.


Tiffany motioned to adjourn; Chris seconded it; all approved.

Next meeting: July 13 @ 7 a.m. at the Chamber

Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.