January 26, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.
Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Tiffany Johansen, Rick Trumm, Garrett Crandall, Mallory Hanson, Kennon Gumm, Chris DeBack
Zoom: Lisa Davis, Tracy Johnson
- Organization/Operations (Recurring)
- Meeting was called to order at 7:06 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
- Jamie motioned and Chris seconded to approve the agenda.
- Board Topics (Recurring)
- Chris motioned, Tiffany seconded and approved by all to add Lisa Davis to the bank accounts.
- June 5th event- “West Union Summer Fest” – Splash into Summer theme was motioned to approve by Chris, seconded by Jamie and approved by all. Returning to a “Dairy Days” feel by moving some 4th of July events and adding new events to the Summer Fest. Planning includes: softball, 5K, beer tent, parade, BrewBQ, bands, kids games, car show, water ball, breakfast, bike ride. Chris motioned to allow Board members to get in-kind memberships from local radio stations; Jason seconded it; approved by all. Jason- KVIK; Rick- KOEL; Garrett- KCTN. Other radio stations include KNEI, KMRV that we could reach out to. The committee is very excited!
- Garret motioned to have the SXS ride on April 24 and October 23; Jamie seconded it; all approved. The committee is looking at private land. They are looking at the logistics, such as food, where to start/end, etc. Tentative timeline: 11:30-12:15, registration downtown; 12:15-12:45, social; 1 p.m. – leave; 4-5 hours and finish downtown to allow attendees to go to restaurants. Do we want to give them lunch/supper of brats/burgers? The committee will get details figured out.
- Membership/Investment Drive (Recurring)
- Investments/Contributions/Donations- Jason still needs to send the membership letter out for Board approval. Unique Memories is in-kind. Lisa and Tracy will setup their photo shoot.
- Director Report
- MSI Training is Thursday, January 28 at 1 p.m. if anyone wants to join. Tracy and Tiffany plan to attend with Lisa.
- Open House- February 10, 3-6. Jamie and Lisa met, and Jamie is doing all the marketing pieces and getting food. They ask everyone to share the information once Jamie shares.
- Retail training by Jason occurred for those in attendance. Continuing usage and training is needed.
- For good of order- Tracy shared the LLC will be meeting on Friday as the council voted to redo the lease for a 3-year term. Currently, there are 11 users on the LLC geothermal. She will find out if we can get out if we sign for 3 years. We currently pay $135/month and $150/month for electric and been on geothermal for 5 years.
- Motion by Jamie; seconded by Garrett to adjourn. Approved.
Motion by Jamie to adjourn at 8:10 a.m.; Tiffany seconded it; adjourned.
Next meeting – Work Group: January 26, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.
Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary
Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.
Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.