Minutes – January 26th, 2021


January 26, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.


Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Tiffany Johansen, Rick Trumm, Garrett Crandall, Mallory Hanson, Kennon Gumm, Chris DeBack

Zoom: Lisa Davis, Tracy Johnson




  1. Organization/Operations (Recurring)
    1. Meeting was called to order at 7:06 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
    2. Jamie motioned and Chris seconded to approve the agenda.
  2. Board Topics (Recurring)
    1. Chris motioned, Tiffany seconded and approved by all to add Lisa Davis to the bank accounts.
    2. June 5th event- “West Union Summer Fest” – Splash into Summer theme was motioned to approve by Chris, seconded by Jamie and approved by all. Returning to a “Dairy Days” feel by moving some 4th of July events and adding new events to the Summer Fest. Planning includes: softball, 5K, beer tent, parade, BrewBQ, bands, kids games, car show, water ball, breakfast, bike ride. Chris motioned to allow Board members to get in-kind memberships from local radio stations; Jason seconded it; approved by all. Jason- KVIK; Rick- KOEL; Garrett- KCTN. Other radio stations include KNEI, KMRV that we could reach out to. The committee is very excited!
    3. Garret motioned to have the SXS ride on April 24 and October 23; Jamie seconded it; all approved. The committee is looking at private land. They are looking at the logistics, such as food, where to start/end, etc. Tentative timeline: 11:30-12:15, registration downtown; 12:15-12:45, social; 1 p.m. – leave; 4-5 hours and finish downtown to allow attendees to go to restaurants. Do we want to give them lunch/supper of brats/burgers? The committee will get details figured out.
  3. Membership/Investment Drive (Recurring)
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations- Jason still needs to send the membership letter out for Board approval. Unique Memories is in-kind. Lisa and Tracy will setup their photo shoot.
  4. Director Report
    1. MSI Training is Thursday, January 28 at 1 p.m. if anyone wants to join. Tracy and Tiffany plan to attend with Lisa.
    2. Open House- February 10, 3-6. Jamie and Lisa met, and Jamie is doing all the marketing pieces and getting food. They ask everyone to share the information once Jamie shares.
  5. Retail training by Jason occurred for those in attendance. Continuing usage and training is needed.
  6. For good of order- Tracy shared the LLC will be meeting on Friday as the council voted to redo the lease for a 3-year term. Currently, there are 11 users on the LLC geothermal. She will find out if we can get out if we sign for 3 years. We currently pay $135/month and $150/month for electric and been on geothermal for 5 years.
  7. Motion by Jamie; seconded by Garrett to adjourn. Approved.


Motion by Jamie to adjourn at 8:10 a.m.; Tiffany seconded it; adjourned.

Next meeting – Work Group: January 26, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.

Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.