January 14, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.
Present: Jamie Hoey, Jason Knox, Tiffany Johansen, Kristie Austin
Absent: Chris DeBack, Rick Trumm, Garrett Crandall, Kennon Gumm, Nick McIntyre, Adam Keller
- December finances were reviewed. Tiffany will be meeting with Kristi this week to do online Quickbooks and to learn about Chamber finances. Everything should flood into Quickbooks. How Scrip money works was discussed indicating that business ‘buy’ scrip money from the Chamber and give it away. Kristi then goes to the bank to ‘purchase’ scrip money back. It is a wash in the financials. Business registration fee was for Kristi’s orientation and other training needs. Fall Fundraiser was for Dueling Pianos, which lost money but not as much as we initially thought. Working with Bob, Kristi just rolled 2019 budget numbers over for 2020 and will send 2020 budget to members. We received a refund from EMC insurance that was for reimbursement for work comp insurance as Kristi is a city employee, we don’t need to carry this insurance.
- Director’s Report: Board really likes the Director’s Report and seeing what is done. Kristi gave details on some of the points in the report. Board commends Kristi for a great job for accreditation and end of year reports! Kristi is researching Iowa Tourism Conference in March, which we haven’t went previously. Good networking and sessions in Des Moines. $225/registration and Kristi will see if the city pay half. Thank you from Karlee Ihde for scholarship was shared. Kristi attended a Great Places meeting with a focus on trails from Echo Valley to WU. She has met with other NE Iowa Main Street directors and has created a great partnership for WU and Kristi. She is working on tourism and Travel Iowa partnerships and concentrating on grants focusing on wayfinding. As part of byway, Kristi is researching a new logo that would go along this theme and working directly with RC&D on a pilot project designing and assisting with this project. She indicated that WU needs to grab our identity and focus on byway. Her goals are to focus on fiber optic in the next 2 years. West Bend insurance recently did a risk analysis and there are a few action items to follow up with it in 30 days.
- What do you know? We appreciate getting emails about new business changes or economic development concerning West Union. Pleggenkuhl Chiropractic purchased Union Drug; therefore, that business will be up for rent. Unique Memories purchased building downtown. Chrystal Building sold in November and Kristi will send information out on details of that.
- Membership/Investment Drive: materials are ready to go out this week and Kristi will follow up after. Individual contributor option has been added. Kristi has new Chamber members:
- In-kind: Town Square Media- $500. Used 2019 funds for Winterfest. Boone snow removal- $500 for parking lot and sidewalk. Ritter’s for lawyer fees. HR Solutions for Quickbooks/finances. Working with The Union for level of advertisement.
- New members: Rock Valley, Fayette Co Economic Development.
- Main Street Board training will be Tuesday, April 28 at 6 p.m. We must have 75% participation of the Board and can have committee chairs come. Kristi will invite Nick/Amie and some of the committee members.
- By-Laws Ad Hoc committee meeting tomorrow.
- Committee Reports-
- Promotions
- 2020 Work Plans- Community Award Banquet is currently being worked on for January 25th. Decorations, winners, food, baskets, etc. are ready. Seems to be right on track. Over 60 tickets sold thus far.
- Design & Business Improvement
- 2020 Work Plans- Tiffany needs to meet with Bob.
- Community Development
- 2020 Work Plans- Jason indicated Kristi shared their info.
- Organization
- 2020 Work Plans- none. Unsure how to proceed with this committee.
- Promotions
Next meeting – Feb 11, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.
Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary
Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.
Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.