Minutes – February 11th, 2020


February 11, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.

Present: Jamie Hoey, Jason Knox, Tiffany Johansen, Kristie Austin, Chris DeBack, Rick Trumm, Garrett Crandall, Nick McIntyre

Absent: Kennon Gumm, Adam Keller



  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:03 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
  2. February’s agenda was motioned to approve by Jamie; seconded by Rick; approved by all.
  3. December meeting minutes were reviewed and motion to approve by Chris; seconded by Rick; approved by all.
  4. December and January finances were reviewed. After discussion, questions were answered: $300 for Dueling Pianos was paid to the Event Center; $100 profit for Awards Banquet; $800 profit to fireworks account from Awards Banquet; two months of electricity hit the books in January; property insurance is paid twice/year. Chris motioned to pay the city our Director payment for the first quarter and to pay all upcoming payments on the first of each quarter; Jamie seconded; approved by all. Chris motioned to pay $100 to TRC for Turkey River Safari program; seconded by Rick; approved by all. Motion to approve finances made by Rick seconded by Chris; approved by all.
  5. Election of Officers was held.
    1. Jamie nominated Jason for President; seconded by Garret; approved by all.
    2. Jamie nominated Tiffany for Vice President; seconded by Chris; approved by all.
    3. Chris nominated Jamie for Secretary; seconded by Rick, approved by all.
    4. Jamie nominated Chris for Treasurer; seconded by Garrett; approved by all.
  6. Director’s Report: reviewed Kristi’s report. She shared documents for membership going out- she is meeting with many businesses prior to sending out the membership letter. She is working on a petition for Fiber optics. The new website was shared. Reviewed insurance inspector report and outcomes having worked with WU fire department to implement changes. We didn’t make Main Street Accreditation in 2019, but that wasn’t unexpected since we didn’t have a director for half a year. We have to be accredited every two years. Historic Preservation and marketing issues with this Accreditation in addition to community exchange visits not being finished. Kristi will be updating Accreditation progress regularly and providing an update to the Board each meeting. We need to attend city council meetings regular, which are the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. January/February- Kennon; March- Garret. Rick- April. Tiff- June. Kennon- July. Jason- August. Should be enough but we can go more if needed. We would like to see board members present on Main Street information. IRS- all paid and up to date with tax returns paid.
  7. What do you know? WU sewer project approved. WU streets are being looked into for a large improvement project. WU working on the Echo Valley trail working directly with landowners. White House – sold to Readlyn couple who owns the Watering Hole restaurant. Walk in Clinic will be increasing hours and has really busy right now with sickness. WU Healthiest State Initiative- West Union Healthiest Hometown WINNER!!! $5000 for wellness project (other winners focused a great deal on trails). Perhaps have organization sponsor a trail day to get the community to see our wonderful outdoor spaces. Kristi is working on a May Bike Rodeo. Economic Meeting – 19th at 6 p.m. at Echo Valley. Few people upset they didn’t get invited but not many. This group gets together to talk about an economic plan for West Union.
  8. Membership/Investment Drive: Kristi will send out an updated list.
  9. 2020 Calendar: Kristi will send out an updated calendar. HR topic in February. Continue to have these classes throughout the year. If a class goes well, we could have it again for more people.
  10. By-Law Committee- Kristi/Jamie met and they need to review changes and then will share it with the Board. Kristi will need to meet with Pat Ritter as issues came up when Sandy’s W-2 was requested. We need to ensure we are listed properly in all legal aspects; therefore, the by-laws may need to change after some input from Pat.
  11. Main Street Board training will be Tuesday, April 28 at 6 p.m. We must have 75% participation of the Board and can have committee chairs come.
  12. Committee Reports- Board members can attend any of the committees! Bring friends!
    1. Promotions
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Community Awards Banquet huge success! Feedback- done really well with lots of energy. Theme was awesome with dressing up, car, etc. Board members need to make it a priority to attend. Divas & Dining will not be held in 2020. A committee meeting is tomorrow focusing on 4th of July and Playing on Plaza. New ideas for 4th- band, cookoff, bball, vball, etc.
    2. Design & Business Improvement
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Tiffany needs to talk with Bob to get going. Sadlers and Gail Hackman are the two members that are active.
    3. Community Development
      1. 2020 Work Plans- meeting Friday at noon.
    4. Organization
      1. 2020 Work Plans- Rick and Garrett to co-chair. Old members were Steve Michael, Mike Johnson, Derek Heins, Brooke from US Cell, Cathy Harris, Tracy Weidemann. Maybe reach out to see if they want to stay on. Derek Heins only does the golf tournament so first priority is to reach out to him to get the tournament scheduled. Promotions Committee can help with the events as well. Organization Committee to work with Kristi on membership drive as needed. A Fall fundraiser needs to be discussed as well.

Next meeting – March 10, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.

Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.