August 11, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.
Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Nick McIntyre, Rick Trumm, Tiffany Johansen (phone partial), Jayde Blue, Chris DeBack (phone partial), Garrett Crandall (partial)
Guests: Carol Lilly, Main Street Iowa (virtual partial)
Absent: Kennon Gumm, Adam Keller
- Meeting was called to order at 7:04 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
- August’s agenda was motioned to approve by Jamie; seconded by Chris; approved by all.
- July’s meeting minutes were reviewed and motioned to approve by Chris; seconded by Rick; approved by all.
- Finances were discussed. Tiffany sent out finances last night, but members didn’t have a chance to review. Financials since May 2019 are reconciled, and we have some duplications of accounts. Tiffany plans to consolidate those accounts as well. She will get with Chris to understand how scrip money works. Tiffany will talk with Jayde to ensure we are listing the checks with deposits and not just write “list”. When people do donations, we need to send out receipts/annual report for tax deductions. Jamie can share the hospital one with Jayde/Tiffany. Perhaps incorporate into the thank you letters of money we receive. Thank you, Tiffany, for all the reconciliation work to ensure validity since May of last year! We will approve finances next month after Board reviews.
- Board attendance at events- Jayde would like to see Board members at events. Members should be at large events as able (4th, Awards, etc.) and at least one Playing on the Plaza. Important for the community to know who the Board members are. Some potential board members think expectation to be at events is a lot to ask due to busy schedules. Jayde will get Jason a list of events and each member will review to figure out a time to be at events to sign up. Every board member should be at the Community Awards event if they are available. Add public bathroom to speech at beginning of Playing of Plaza.
- Board assignments/involvements- continue to provide support to Jayde. We need to find a time to go through files. Robin from Main Street has offered to come and help go through the files. Jayde will set up time and let Board know what works for Robin. A few Board members will be available.
- Board photos- head shots of Board on 8/30 at 5 p.m. at Rachel’s studio. If you are unable to attend, you will need to pick one of the other dates. 8/30, 9/3, 9/7, 9/8, 9/10.
- Industrial lot update- listed with Homestead. $59,900. Steve Murray has the sign, and Nick working with him on verbiage. Will be including additional land in the sale for approximate 7 acres. City looking at partnering with county for future piping development for the industrial lot. Jayde going to the council meeting to discuss.
- Building maintenance- Imperial will be doing the roof as an in-kind donation. Jayde got estimates from Moss and Seamless Gutter. There was buildup of condensation in the GeoThermal and changed out the filter.
- Rental contracts- Jayde has contracts done. Mallory’s $400; Ritter’s $250; ShangriLa $225; Apartment $375. Need to fix leaks and replace tiles before giving the new contracts. Jayde will bring contracts to the Board to review. Selling our office at some time is always a possibility as well. Jason will be looking into the possibility of revitalizing downtown with selling office spaces.
- Membership/Investment Drive- Jayde is updating memberships. Jason remembers Main Street pushed for the Investment verbiage change and Kristi has 2020 events and other resources to create more of an ‘investment’ than a ‘membership’. We need to review the Investment benefits and ensure we are meeting them for our current investors. We need to create an Ad Hoc for the Investment drive.
- By-Laws- meeting with Pat with proposed changes. Hopefully, these will be done for approval at the September meeting.
- Membership Directory- without selling any ads to offset the cost, the cost for doing the Directory (2,500 copies) is about $3,200. If we sell ads, we can reduce the cost. If a specific investment level, should they get a free ad? Jayde has created a “Visitor Guide” for West Union. Can we add events for West Union along with the guide? Create internally and put in locations, distribute through networks, give to realtors, etc. The group believes all businesses should be included due to Economic Development and not just Chamber members. Need to focus on the website directory first. Jayde has made initial visits to many businesses locally. Jayde is going to businesses with a Demographic sheet to update directory.
- Mexican Update & Actions for Chamber/Main Street- Jayde working with Pam Cline to meet them but will wait until they are there and will just show up. Nick stated they are waiting on the alcohol permit and he is helping them work through this.
- Director Open House- 8/26. 3:30-6 p.m. Figure out food, drinks, invites. Change to Board of Directors and the new Director. Jamie will work with Jayde on this Open House. Grill brats, drinks, etc. Press release, social media, email list, flyers, etc. Jason will be in charge of alcohol.
- Best Rest- Jayde has stopped in but hasn’t talked with Johnathan. Nick believes they are moving back to area. He would like to show everyone what they have done- they opened Elms south of town as well. Chamber can work with them on a re-opening. Nick will get his contact information to Jayde.
- Golf Course/Trail- city purchasing today! Group has met regarding the trail and has it mapped out. They are currently transitioning greenkeeping. First application for grant is being worked on. Nothing on RV park. City owns it and looking for third person to take over golf course/RV park. Ad going out this week for minimal cost golfing. We can all share the city’s post on the golf course.
- Proposed SXS/UTV Ride- see below.
- What do you know?
- Director’s Report- website is a priority to update.
- Committee Reports-
- Promotions- Playing on the Plaza. Good to great attendance. Sold a lot of brats and having a lot of fun. We have 3 events left. Quilts of Valor done at one of the events with a really good turnout. Trunk of Treats is the next event, but the committee needs to review prior to determine if it can be held due to COVID. With summer sponsorships and brat sales, we have made enough to pay for the Playing on the Plaza.
- Design & Business- a meeting is scheduled for 8/18 at 7:15 a.m.
- Economic Vitality- Jayde will be looking at Challenge grant next year for the Donahue building. Meeting Friday @ noon at Tap’t Out.
- Organization- SxS/UTV Ride: date needed for a ride. Will it be a poker run/treasure hunt ride? Just a ride with a meal. Pick a date for a fundraiser. Start/End in West Union. Will this benefit West Union? Garrett & Jason will get more information.
- For good of order: Steffen’s building- Ray plans to keep and continues to clean it up to align with Main Street façade.
- Adjourn at 8:47 a.m.
Next meeting – September 8, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.
Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary
Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.
Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.