April 14, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.
Present: Jason Knox (phone), Kristie Austin (phone), Chris DeBack (phone) Rick Trumm (phone), Jamie Hoey (phone), Nick McIntyre (phone), Tiffany Johansen (phone), Garrett Crandall (phone)- some joined via web
Absent: Kennon Gumm, Adam Keller
- Meeting was called to order at 7:40 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
- April’s agenda was motioned to approve by Jamie; seconded by Chris; approved by all.
- March’s meeting minutes were reviewed and motioned to approve by Jamie; seconded by Chris; approved by all.
- March’s finances were reviewed. Chris gave a brief overview. Chamber paid $3,640 to the city for Kristi’s pay. We did a $4,500 transfer from savings to checking and paid all bills on time this month to ensure it is done. Got some investments prior to COVID-19 which helped. All is good for this month, but we need to talk about finances moving forward. Motion to approve finances made by Chris; seconded by Jamie; approved by all.
- Director’s Report: reviewed Kristi’s Director’s report. Highlights included COVID-19 reviewing resources and working on business grants. 4 rounds of COVID-19 business grants were announced- Fayette County received $190,000 (West Union- Top Hat, Hair Hut, Headquarters, Gus & Tony’s, Euphoria, Tindall’s,). Country View Dairy was granted payment protection program. Kristi is making calls to business checking in and not visiting. She is working with Rachel for Open 4 Business grant with video submission, which will be ready to go this week. Reviewing liability insurance with West Bend $782.50/twice per year. EMC insurance has liability as well for $350/year for WU Community Development; however, that organization was rolled into the Chamber a few years ago so we shouldn’t need that insurance. Kristi will check into it.
- What do you know? COVID-19 sucks😊 Main Street Board training will be rescheduled. Chris got a new teaching job in Guttenberg! Congrats!!!
- Membership/Investment Drive: Due to COVID-19, drive has been put on hold. Kristi has spoken with other directors and they aren’t sure what the year will hold. Members are appreciating information and getting new businesses that want to know more, which may help after this is over. $200 donation from UMW to assist with children’s activities.
- By-Law Committee- being reviewed by Pat Ritter.
- COVID-19 Update- Chambers can’t apply for grants but can get a small business loan if needed for disaster relief- 2.75% for payroll or bills for maximum 30-year amortization. After discussion, Jamie motioned to apply; Chris seconded it; approved by all. Even if we don’t use it, at least we have it to fall back on. City would like to see that as a fallback option as well and states that at times it could be forgiven going forward. Kristi will start working on details and apply for $25,000. Krisi and accounting firms helping with grants and financial submissions. Way to go and thank you for everything you are assisting with!
- Committee Reports-
- Promotions
- 2020 Work Plans- focusing on 4th of July and Playing on Plaza. Hit a stand-still as we aren’t sure what the future will entail. Going to do a virtual meeting with committee. Not sure if we will be able to have it and if so, will need to focus on finances as well. People will be ready to come out at that time if possible. Will they stay in WU or go elsewhere since a weekend?
- Design & Business Improvement
- 2020 Work Plans- nothing
- Community Development
- 2020 Work Plans- nothing
- Organization
- 2020 Work Plans- they talked with Derek about the golf tournament. He wants to assist with it again and figure out specifics. Grab a few dates, figure out food, etc. Look for a fall date as well due to COVID-19.
- Motion to adjourn by Chris; seconded by Garrett; adjourned at 7:45 a.m.
- Promotions
Next meeting – May 12, 2020 at 7:00 am at the Chamber/Main Street office.
Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary
Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.
Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.