Minutes – April 13th, 2021


April 13, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.


Present: Jason Knox, Jamie Hoey, Tiffany Johansen, Rick Trumm, Tracy Johnson, Garrett Crandall (left early), Mallory Hanson

Absent: Kennon Gumm, Chris DeBack

Guests: Matthew Marsala & Amber Tucholke (Cooper Creek)


  1. Organization/Operations (Recurring)
    1. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 a.m. by President Jason Knox.
    2. Jamie motioned to approve the agenda after adding guests; Rick seconded it; approved by all.
    3. Guests: Administrator for Copper Creek gave an overview of new project- working with NEI3A, Gundersen Palmer, & Silver Sneakers. Offered their facility for senior meals for our area. Spoke with SLS, Deanne Tyler, who is looking for speakers that her clients could attend at Cooper Creek. Copper Creek would like to assist with giving senior citizens things to do and a place to go, offer classes, etc. They are working with social workers, discharge planners, funeral homes, etc. to help our seniors find their next steps, even if not Cooper Creek. In addition, they are looking to find ways to partner with the Chamber. Shared ideas for Playing on the Plaza and getting the seniors involved. Cooper Creek is wanting to create an event calendar to share with the community. They are currently looking for groups in which to partner with. Going to join the Chamber as well.
    4. Rick motioned to approve the March 2021 various meeting minutes; Tiffany seconded it; approved by all.
    5. Reviewed March financials. Discussion was had regarding the financials. We had minimal profit but a profit! Looking at approximately $1,950 from the Fair event. Thanks to Chamber representatives who helped. Jamie motioned to approve the financials; Jason seconded it; approved by all.
  2. Board Topics (Recurring)
    1. Chamber Member Window Clings- Jamie sent out an email with a mock-up and prices for the chamber window cling. The mock-up looked good; will keep the year on it; change the color to the Chamber colors. Different design each year with the same color. Jason motioned to order 60; Rick seconded it; approved by all. Jamie will get them ordered.
    2. Rent from Industrial Development lot- 5-6 acre property in which Steinlage crops. Should we be getting rent of some sort? Bob Sadler was the liaison between the Chamber and Steinlage. Jason will reach out to Bob to find out specifics about the arrangement and update via email.
    3. Committee Minutes Overview- the state report asks for number of volunteer hours for the committee reports including meeting time and work time. Tiffany will send out template.
    4. SXS Ride Volunteers- 9 – 11 a.m. will be registration. Rick, Garrett, Tiffany, Mallory (registration), Jason, Trish Patterson (registration). Tiffany will check on our PayPal account to determine if we have early registrations. Tracy will bring the usage/alcohol of the plaza to the city council meeting. Org. Committee will contact Amie to ensure process is followed. Jason motioned to give a buy 1, give 1 brat coupon for Playing on the Plaza to SXS participants; Jamie seconded it; motion passed. Put the music line-up on the card as well. Garrett will add this to the rules sheet. Rick will contact Amie on the music and get info to Garrett.
    5. SummerFest Volunteers- Jason put down shifts for volunteers. He will send out times to share with committees and other volunteers.
  3. Membership/Investment Drive (Recurring)
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations-
      1. Letter- Jason will send out for review once the letter is done.
      2. Follow-Up- all other things are done. GPLHC will stuff.
    2. Director Report (Recurring)
      1. Director Search Update- on college websites, in newspapers, on Facebook, website. We have no applications or interest. Tracy will send to Carol at MSI.
      2. Tiffany is monitoring emails and phone.
    3. Main Street (Recurring)
      1. Accreditation- none. Jamie did Main Street Now conference. It was ok. Tiffany and Jason will be doing it the next two days.
      2. Action- none
      3. Reporting- Jason doing.
    4. Committee Reports- need to determine budgets for various events.
      1. Promotions (Chris DeBack)- working on SummerFest
      2. Design & Business (Jamie Hoey)- nothing new. No meeting in April.
      3. Economic Vitality (Jason Knox)- Chamber After 5. Neighborhood Home, May 17 at 5 p.m. Save the Date card will be created and shared with Tracy for FB.
      4. Organization (Garrett Crandall/Rick Trumm)- SXS details ready to go with a few small things.
      5. Ad-Hoc Sparks (Jamie, Tiffany, Chris, Tracy)- who is the contact for this group? Nathan Crooker will reach out to our group. Next meeting is April 26 at 2:45.
      6. Ad-Hoc DLO (Rick, Kennon)- none
      7. Management (Tiffany, Tracy)- none
      8. Fayette County Economic Development – IA Tourism Conference, April 27-28, in Des Moines. Virtual option available.
      9. City- none
    5. For good of order- Tracy’s toy show at the Event Center this weekend, 9-4. Dotzy’s going to open again by Heather Messler.


Meeting adjourn at 8:05 a.m. with a motion from Rick; seconded by Tiffany; all approved.

Next meeting: April 27 @ 7 a.m. at the Chamber

Submitted by Jamie Hoey, Secretary

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.