Agenda – November 10th, 2020


November 10th, 2020 – 7:00 a.m.

In Person – 101 North Vine Street

  1. Organization / Operations [Recurring]
    1. Call meeting to order
    2. Approve Agenda
  2. Rachel Strong – NFV Spark
  3. Lynn Lauer – Ambassadors
  4. Organization / Operations CONTINUED [Recurring]
    1. Approval of October
    2. Approval of October Forecast of needed revenue
  5. Board Topics [Recurring]
    1. Chamber and City Agreement for Director
    2. Name of Organization for public. West Union Chamber and Main Street or Main Street and Chamber, or?
    3. West Union Economic Development promotion
    4. Strategic Planning & Budget Meeting Date – need to choose date
    5. Building Committee – Vote on this new committee. If approved, elect members.
    6. SXS Committee. Volunteers offer to operate.  If approved, elect members.
    7. Ex-Officio Members
    8. Chamber Newsletter on site, last post is 12/2018
    9. needs to be updated
    10. Events
    11. Reminder to Committees to include all Board members in communications of meeting times & dates
    12. Voting via email
    13. Key policy
    14. Holiday Business Promotion
  6. Membership/Investment Drive [Recurring]
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations
    2. Director Business Visits
    3. Chamber Benefits – any changes for 2021 and delivering what is offered
    4. Chamber Benefits Flyer and leave-behind materials
    5. Calendar Anniversary Membership. Tracking / follow-up process.
  7. Director Report [Recurring]
    1. Scheduled office hours
    2. Business Survey Results
    3. Details of Punch Card Program
    4. Newsletter – Distribution process and recent newsletter
    5. Trail update
    6. Guest binders
    7. Board Binders
    8. Social Media
    9. Ideas Conference report
    10. Iowa Leadership Exchange report
    11. Iowa Creative Places Exchange report
    12. Free Virtual Business Coaching
  8. Main Street Iowa Accreditation [Recurring]
    1. Accreditation
    2. Actions needed
  9. Committee Reports
    1. Promotions – Chris DeBack
    2. Design & Business Improvement-Jamie Hoey
    3. Economic Vitality-Jason Knox
    4. Organization-Garrett Crandall / Rick Trumm
    5. Members for Building Committee – Ad Hoc- Maintain or Sale-Jason Knox/Garrett Crandall/Kennon Gumm
    6. NFV Sparks – Jamie Hoey/Tiffany Johansen/Chris DeBack
    7. DLO – Rick Trumm/Kennon Gumm
    8. Management – Tracy Johnson/Tiffany Johansen
  10. For Good of Order
  11. Adjourn

NEXT MEETING–December 8th, 2020 AT 7:00 AM 

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.