Agenda – February 9th, 2021


February 9th, 2021 – 7:00 a.m.

In Person – 101 North Vine Street

  1. Organization / Operations [Recurring]
    1. Call meeting to order
    2. Approve Agenda
    3. Approval of January 2021 Minutes.
    4. Approval of January Financials.
  2. Board Topics [Recurring]
    1. Committee communications and information needed for MSI reports, include Board.
    2. Expense Reporting for Committees
    3. Volunteer hours, Summary Expense Reporting for Committees Needed for MSI report.
    4. Cleaning Services
    5. Consider Economic Vitality Committee 2021 Initiatives
  3. Seminars for business (educational topics presented by local providers) Video format with potential NFV Sparks supports.
  4. Website Content/Directory
  5. Promoting West Union business by other business program
  6. Happy Hour / Chamber After 5 Concept
  7. Membership/Investment Drive [Recurring]
    1. Investments/Contributions/Donations
  8. Director Report [Recurring]
    1. Open House for Director
  9. Main Street Iowa Accreditation [Recurring]
    1. Accreditation
    2. Actions
    3. Reporting
  10. Committee Reports –
    1. Promotions – Chris DeBack
    2. Design & Business Improvement-Jamie Hoey
    3. Economic Vitality-Jason Knox
    4. Organization-Garrett Crandall / Rick Trumm
    5. NFV Sparks – Jamie Hoey/Tiffany Johansen/Chris DeBack
    6. DLO – Rick Trumm/Kennon Gumm
    7. Management – Tracy Johnson/Tiffany Johansen
  11. For Good of Order
  12. Adjourn

NEXT MEETING–March 9th, 2021 AT 7:00 AM – Regular Board Meeting

Investing in the community by bringing people together to achieve a support system that seeks to promote business success, downtown revitalization, and a sense of community pride.

Through Community engagement, create a unique and prosperous downtown to enrich the entire business community of West Union and beyond that embraces history, preserves natural environment, and promotes quality events that instills a sense of community pride.